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My Journey from Chaos to Order


Greetings, Fellow Knowledge Seekers! 🚀

Prepare to embark on a journey with me, where I'll unravel the secrets behind supercharging productivity and introduce you to an exciting idea that's been brewing in my mind.


I'm currently pursuing a master's degree in computer science and engineering with a focus on machine learning and artificial intelligence at the University at Buffalo. My journey into the world of higher education began after I left Siemens EDA back in August, and I embarked on this exciting journey. With a strong background in software engineering, I was eager to dive into my master's program. But the world of higher education presented me with a novel obstacle: the quest for an effective approach to managing my academic responsibilities.

Challenge I faced

As someone who thrived on structure and organization, the transition from my job to graduate studies presented me with an unexpected challenge: managing assignments effectively. I found myself missing classes and struggling to meet assignment deadlines. The absence of a reliable system to track events and assignments began to take a toll on my productivity, and I often found myself completing assignments late, sometimes even missing deadlines. It was a frustrating experience that left me feeling inefficient and overwhelmed.

The Workaround

Being a former software engineer, I was accustomed to using tools like Jira to meticulously break down my daily tasks and maintain a laser-sharp focus on my day-to-day activities. I sorely missed having a similar tool to keep me on track in my academic life. That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands and seek a creative solution to this challenge.

A Glimpse of Jira

Jira Screenshot

For those unfamiliar with Jira, it's a powerful project management and issue tracking tool often used in software development. It allows users to create tasks, assign them, set due dates, and monitor progress effortlessly. In essence, it's a hub for managing daily work tasks and keeping everything neatly organized.

The Implementation

My quest to regain control of my time management and assignment tracking began with exploring the tools available to me. I soon discovered that Brightspace, the learning management system used by my university, provided an ICS calendar with assignment deadlines. Eureka! This was my first step toward building my solution.

Brightspace ICS Calendar Integration

Brightspace Calendar

I promptly downloaded the ICS file from Brightspace and subscribed to it in my Google Calendar. Now, my assignment deadlines were at my fingertips, and I could easily see what was due when.

Automation with Integrately

However, this was only the beginning. To truly emulate the efficiency I once enjoyed with Jira, I needed a way to translate these calendar events into actionable tasks. That's when I turned to Integrately, an automation tool that would become my trusted ally.

Streamlining the Workflow with Todoist

I configured Integrately to work its magic: whenever a calendar event (be it an assignment deadline or a class) was raised, it would automatically create a corresponding to-do item in my Todoist app. This automation bridged the gap between my academic schedule and my task management system.

Integrately Workflow

Task Labeling for Organization

But there was more. Integrately also allowed me to take organization a step further. It ensured that each task created was labeled with the subject, making categorization and organization a breeze. I could easily distinguish between different subjects and prioritize tasks accordingly.

Labeling Tasks

Jira-Like Task Management

The culmination of these efforts was a system that closely resembled the functionality of Jira, a system that had served me so well in my previous role as a software engineer. With this system in place, I could now see tasks for the day and plan for upcoming ones, much like I did with Jira.

Tasks grouped by subject:Jira-Like Efficiency

Upcoming tasks: Jira-Like Efficiency

Lessons Learned and Transition to Graduate Studies

Reflecting on this journey, I've learned valuable lessons about the importance of effective time management. It's a skill that transcends industries and is equally crucial in academia. My internship experience and the challenges I faced influenced my decision to pursue a master's degree with a focus on machine learning and AI. This specialization aligns with my career goals, and I'm excited about the future.

The Power of Small Things

Looking back, I can't help but reflect on how we often overlook the significance of seemingly small details in life. Jira, for instance, was initially introduced to me by my company, and I never fully appreciated its impact until I found myself yearning for a similar tool in my academic journey. It's a reminder of how the little things, like effective task management, can have a profound influence on our productivity and overall well-being.

Final Thoughts

For those of you who can relate to the challenges I've faced, I'm excited to share a game-changing idea that's been brewing. Imagine a seamless solution that not only incorporates all the features I've described but goes a step further. This innovative tool harnesses the latest in AI technology to examine assignment descriptions and breaks them down into bite-sized tasks, akin to the magic of a Scrum Master.

Picture this: as a student, you'd simply receive a daily agenda, neatly organized and ready to tackle. No more deciphering complex assignments; just pure clarity and efficiency.

Now, I'm eager to hear your thoughts. Do you believe this solution could be a game-changer for students like us? Your input is invaluable, and I'm open to suggestions and ideas.

Oh, and speaking of support, donations are always appreciated 😄. Let's make the journey of mastering time management and achieving our goals even more exciting and productive!

Keep the passion for learning alive!